Welcome to the video section of our website.

This section has been designed as a tool for students to continue their training at home, as it allows them to practice their Kata and Kihon. Also included are some 10-minute training videos as an additional learning resource for students.

Follow Murphy’s Karate Academy on YouTube to stay up to date when new videos are added.



Training video for shotakan kata, Kihon Kata

Training video for shotokan kata, Heian Shodan.

Training video for shotokan kata, Heian Nidan.

Training video for shotokan kata, Heian Sandan.

Training video for shotokan kata, Heian Yondan

Training video for shotakan kata, Heian Godan

Training video for shotakan kata, Tekki Shodan

Training video for shotakan kata, Jion

Trainging video for shotakan kata, Bassai Dai

Training video for shotokan kata, Gojushiho Sho

Training video for shotokan kata, Empi


Training Videos

5 sayings according to the principles of Master Gichin Funakoshi